JAKARTA - The Prince film is an action thriller film which was released on August 22, 2014. Starring Jason Patric, Bruce Willis, John Cusack and Rain, this 91-minute film will get your adrenaline pumping.

This film by Brian A. Miller tells about the life of Omar (Bruce Willis), a businessman in a highly respected criminal world. But his wife's son died in front of his own eyes due to the car they were in was blown up by Paul (Jason Patric).

Paul, nicknamed The Prince, is an assassin. He was known as the most heinous criminal who was famous of his time. However, because he has a family, Paul tries to change his identity and hide his identity. Paul who decided to stop being a hit man and turn into a mechanic.

He did everything he could to save his family from Omar's grudge. Then Paul's whereabouts as the perpetrator of the explosion was discovered by Omar.

Paul had a daughter named Beth who was later discovered not paying her tuition fees. Intrigued, he tried to contact Beth. But it was a stranger who answered the phone.

Paul also decided to meet his daughter. When he reached Beth's place, he found Beth's room empty.

He felt something was strange and started looking for his daughter. Paul got information from someone named Angela that Beth quit college and was in a relationship with a man from New Orleans. Apparently this is all related to Omar's attempt to take revenge on The Prince.

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