JAKARTA - Before going on vacation, of course there are many things that visitors have to prepare. Moreover, if you visit the Metropolitan City like Surabaya, visitors certainly don't want to miss the exciting agenda and activities that exist in this city.

No less interesting than other tourist attractions in Indonesia, Surabaya can also be an exciting and fun tourist destination. However, if you want to provide efficient transportation to Surabaya, you can order plane tickets here.

If there are some of you who are set foot for the first time in Surabaya, it is better to find out first about the intricacies of this city. Here are some things that must be prepared before taking a vacation to Surabaya.

Prepare This Before Departing for Surabaya Before leaving for the holidays to Surabaya, there are several things that need to be prepared so as not to miss the exciting and interesting agenda in the City of Heroes. Starting from preparing a budget, arranging travel plans, choosing lodging, to choosing the transportation to be used.

However, there is no need to worry. For safe and practical transportation, you can order it at Traveloka. Here are the holiday tips to Surabaya that you need to prepare.

1. Health Condition The first thing that needs to be prepared before leaving for the holidays to Surabaya is of course a health condition. The reason is, while on vacation, you will be busy with various activities to various places.

Dengan memiliki kondisi kesehatan yang prima, Anda akan dapat pergi ke tempat wisata yang ada dengan lancar. Karena itu, penting untuk menerapkan pola hidup sehat mulai sekarang.

Some can be done, among others, eating on time, taking vitamins to strengthen endurance, and ensuring a balanced nutritional intake. Also, make sure to drink lots of water so that your body hydration is fulfilled. Don't forget to exercise regularly.

2. Determining the right mode of transportation The next time is to determine the right mode of transportation. By choosing the right mode of transportation, it will make it easier for you to move while on vacation in Surabaya. Private vehicles can be a good choice. In addition to making it easier to explore the city of Surabaya, it also provides a sense of security. If this is not possible, you can also choose public transportation that is equipped with health protocols. You can also use the Traveloka application for car rental messages in Surabaya.

3. Choosing a Surabaya Tourist Attraction has many tourist destinations, if you have limited time for holidays, it is necessary to be selective in choosing tourist attractions so that the holiday experience becomes more memorable.

For example, if you go on vacation to Surabaya with your family, a cheerful picnic at Tugu Pahlawan may be one of the lists on your vacation trip plans.

In addition, trying exciting rides at Suroboyo Carnival Park and enjoying the sunset on Ria Kenjeran Beach can also be included in the list of tourist destinations that must be visited with family. The point is, choose a tourist spot that best suits your preferences so that the vacation trip becomes more exciting.

4. Choosing Lodging You choose lodging, you must also prepare before leaving for vacation. After a day of traveling around Surabaya, of course you need to rest comfortably. Return your energy, so you can resume your vacation activities tomorrow.

No need to worry, Surabaya has many strategic lodgings in the middle of the city. For example, lodging near Kenjeran Beach and or Suramadu Bridge. So, you don't have to worry about determining lodging that is close to destinations.

Apart from a strategic location, you also need a safe and comfortable lodging. Of course, lodging with complete and adequate facilities will make the holidays much more enjoyable.

5. Tasting Culinary Tourism Is Incomplete, if you go on vacation to Surabaya without tasting the various culinary delights in the City of Heroes. One of the culinary delights that you have to try when you go to Surabaya is Lontong Balap Pak Fati, which has a happy and tasteful taste.

Lontong Balap Pak Fatus itself consists of lontong, lentho, kembah, and keccampun which are doused with kaah. Apart from Lontong Balap Pak Fata, Rujak Cindur and Sate Klopo can be an option for those of you who like to eat beef. There are also Rawon Setan and Duck Sinjay who are famous in Surabaya and Madura.

6. Prepare the Latest Convex Goods, prepare luggage. Starting from the camera, wallet, and several outfits that you have matched to tourist destinations. You must do this so that the holiday experience becomes more enjoyable. In addition, so as not to bother because it brings too many items that are not needed.

Those are the holiday tips to Surabaya that need to be prepared so as not to miss the exciting and fun agenda in the City of Heroes. To make it more fun, you can also order plane tickets to Surabaya in Traveloka which has a low-cost flight ticket feature with just a few clicks. (ADV)

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