YOGYAKARTA 'Managing' is a learning program as well as practicing work directly at a company for some time. A person who takes an internship program will gain experience, professional insight, and practical skills for work.

Well, in this article, it will be discussed the benefits and conditions of foreign internships. Read on to the end, yes!

Summarized from various sources, Wednesday, April 26, 2023, here are some of the benefits of internships abroad that will be obtained by internships:

1. Have international work experience

In the midst of the increasingly rapid development of the industry, many companies have connections with foreign companies. This can be used to take on foreign internship programs.

Those who take this program will experience working internationally, ranging from activities, a more professional work environment to co-workers from different countries.

2. Learn new things

The next benefit of internships abroad is that you can learn new things that cannot be found during internships in the country. That way, you can maximize your potential.

3. Improve communication capabilities

If you want to take part in an internship program abroad, then English skills must be improved.

For those of you who are not fluent in speaking English but have received international internships, your language skills will increase over time.

In addition, you can also communicate better and be more open to differences of opinion and knowledge in the new world of work that cannot be obtained domestically.

4. Improve CV Quality

Having an internship experience abroad can improve your CV portfolio. If you enter an internship experience abroad into a CV, of course, it will attract the attention of the company recruiter. Especially if you participate in working on an internship project, of course the opportunity to enter a large company will be higher!

Internship Requirements Abroad

There are several terms of internships abroad that you must fulfill, including:

1. Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV)

2. Transkip official value

Introductory letters divided into three include:

4. Recommend letter for internship

5. Have English skills

6. Never violate the law

7. Organizational experience certificate (optional)

How To Internship Abroad

1. Using Connection

If you have a good connection when you are in college, you can ask for their help looking for prefessional contacts who work at overseas companies. Don't forget to ask for references or recommendations!

2. Send applications via the job application site

To take part in an overseas internship program, you can register via the job field information provider website.

In addition, you can also visit the company's website page or Company Profile, then monitor the government scholarship program every day to get information about internship vacancies.

3. Follow the Internship Program from the University

Most universities in Indonesia, have internship programs abroad. You can use this opportunity to undergo internships at foreign companies. In fact, there are several campuses that will help you intern abroad.

This is information about the benefits and requirements of internships abroad. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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