YOGYAKARTA Did you know that there are several traditions of Ramadan in Saudi Arabia that turn out to be similar and can be found in Indonesia? This tradition is carried out by Indonesian Muslims and can be found today.

As an Islamic country, Saudi Arabia has a unique tradition related to Ramadan. This tradition is even still sustainable today. The forms of traditions held by the Arab people are also diverse and unique.

Apparently, some of the traditions possessed by Saudi Arabia are also carried out in Indonesia. So what are the traditions of Ramadan in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia has a tradition of firing Ramadan Cannons or midfa al iftar idrab. This tradition originated from Cairo, Egypt. The cannon shooting itself was carried out as a sign that fasting ended. The shooting was carried out at a time of maghrib.d

This tradition turns out to be similar to the tradition of firing bamboo cannons in Indonesia. This tradition has different names in each region. In Sukabumi, for example, the bamboo cannon is called Bedil Lodong which was fired during Ramadan.

The gargee'an tradition is carried out in Saudi Arabia. On the 13th, 14th, or 15th of Ramadan, children will wear traditional clothes and then they will visit their neighbors while singing traditional songs. While the hosts will welcome them with candy.

This tradition is very common in Indonesia. However, Saudi Arabia turns out to have a tradition similar to takjil habit. Towards breaking the fast, many takjil sellers will sell the iftar menu. Meanwhile, Muslims will hunt takjil while waiting for the time to break their fast. Takjil takbuurit is even provided free of charge, similar to the takjil Ramadan tradition in Indonesia which is often held in mosques before breaking the fast.

Buber or breaking fast together is often done in Indonesia, but also often done in Saudi Arabia. This tradition is done together during sunset or when breaking the fast arrives. In Saudi Arabia, it is carried out in mosques. People will gather on the terrace and sit face to face each other. When opening time arrives, mosque administrators will distribute food in front of the congregation. Eating open food is also done together so that the togetherness of the Muslim community is felt.

Islam is recommended to break the fast with dates. If it is not recommended to break the fast with sweet foods or drinks. This tradition is not only done in Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, but in various other countries. In Saudi Arabia, not only dates are served but sweet foods such as fruits. People also like to eat sweet drinks when breaking the fast.

Eating sweet foods or drinks can help restore lost energy after all day holding back food and drink. However, it is still recommended for the public to pay attention to the food consumed during breaking the fast so as not to disturb the health of the body.

Those are some of the traditions of Ramadan in Saudi Arabia. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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