YOGYAKARTA Emotional intelligence is important for various patterns of relationship. Whether it's relationships with the work team, friendship, kinship, and with your partner. Asking questions, naturally increasing our emotional intelligence. This makes a person a good pen and here are tips for getting the results of conversations that are not only good for ourselves but also for the circle of relations around us.

Launching the Harvard Business Review, Sunday, April 2, it is important to ask questions that other people would like to answer. But the fact shows that not many people ask even though many people also need questions to get to know each other more closely. So why do many people refrain from asking questions? Many reasons, but most likely want to make other people memorable with thoughts and ideas without asking questions.

It is also possible that people are too confident and think that other people are incompetent so they don't ask questions. In fact, by asking questions, there is an exchange of information and impression management. In addition, asking many questions opens the key to learning and increasing interpersonal ties.

Conversations have a purely competitive motive for achieving cooperative purity. For competitive conversations, the challenge faced when asking questions is that your interlocutor is reluctant to share information and may even lie. The first suggestion for a purely competitive goal, ask a direct question with a yes'' or no answer. Then follow with a sensitive question to reduce the possibility that respondents will lie. Next, questions that make people more open.

For cooperative conversations, the challenges that are faced when asking questions are colleagues who may avoid conflict. Tactics to overcome this, ask open questions by not starting the least sensitive questions. In addition, focus on productive, fun conversations, so that they are free to speak openly.

Questions can signal to your parents that you listen, care, and want to know more. People who interact with their partners and ask many further questions tend to feel respected and listened to.

Everyone doesn't like to be interrogated, so pay attention to the type of question when opening a conversation. Avoid the interlocutor feeling cornered, but it's better to reveal information or learn something to share.

If you face a tense meeting, ask a difficult question first. Maybe it will feel awkward at first, but if the order is correct then the interlocutor will reveal sensitive information.

People will be more open when asking questions casually. Not in a rigid formal tone. In one of the studies conducted by Leslie, Alessandro Acquisti, and George Loewenstein from Carnegia Mellon University found that people are more open when asked questions in an ordinary tone. Also asking difficult questions first, then easy questions.

Those are a few tips in establishing interactions by asking questions that are also useful for increasing emotional intelligence.

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