Owners of leather shoes certainly understand the problems that often arise with this type of footwear. Among them are wrinkles, color fading to mold.

The emergence of this problem is not without causes. This can happen starting from the wrong way to clean it. Even though cleaning them is one way to care for leather shoes that should be done.

To keep your leather shoes awake, here are smart and easy ways to take care of your leather shoes to keep them durable.

Use cloth

It cannot be denied that leather shoes can also get stains and dirt when used. Different from the types of canvas shoes, leather footwear has a special method of cleaning.

Scrub the dirt with a clean, dry cloth. This method can be tried to scrape off the mud or dirt that is sticky and has a rough texture. So that when it is removed, the stain does not damage the leather of the shoe.

Use a soft brush

Once removed, apply shoe cleaner with a soft brush to scrub the stained area. However, if the shoe cleaner has provided an applicator, then you no longer need to use a brush.

Add a little water before applying it. Then, clean it gently and make a circle pattern while cleaning it. That way the texture of the shoes will be maintained.

Use a special lotion

To prevent damage to leather shoes, you should clean them by tapping a sponge that has been given a special lotion for leather shoes.

Avoid cleaning dirty leather shoes with a damp cloth, because it can make the leather crack or be damaged.

If it's really dirty, it's best to soak the cloth in hot water. Wipe the leather shoes clean, then dry them again in front of the fan.

Use water and vinegar

How to care for leather shoes to keep them durable is to use natural ingredients such as a mixture of water and vinegar. This method is most effective for removing stubborn stains that have accumulated on leather shoes or white stains.

Dry at room temperature

The most important thing about caring for leather shoes is where to put them. Avoid temperatures that are too cold or too hot. This reason is to minimize damage to the skin texture.

Simply put it at room temperature and let it dry. Afterward, you can apply moisturizer or shoe polish.

So, who said caring for leather shoes was hard to do?

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