JAKARTA - The Ammar Zoni soap opera actor was arrested by the police for the second time for drug abuse cases. Similar to the previous case, the 29-year-old lawyer and family of soap opera actor will submit an assessment so that Ammar undergo rehabilitation.

As previously known, in the case of drug abuse in 2017, Ammar Zoni was found guilty and decided to undergo rehabilitation for one year.

Although accompanied by a lawyer is different from the previous case, Elza Syarief as Ammar Zoni's attorney in this case ensures that he is ready to help his client to get rehabilitation.

"So I said 'I helped you on one condition. You have to get back to normal'. I saw that he was a victim. When I said that, he did cry and really regretted it," said Elza Syarief at the South Jakarta Metro Police on Friday, March 10, 2023 night.

"I said 'If you really want to change, no longer approach illicit goods like this, you have to be treated'," he continued.

Elza Syarief said he was ready to ask the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Ade Ary and investigators to conduct an assessment so that his client was usually treated from his addiction. The lawyer who often handles cases from among Indonesian celebrities also stated that his client was serious about being able to recover from his addiction to drugs.

Furthermore, Elza's wish has also been communicated to Ammar Zoni's family, and he has full support.

"And he's already tight, I said the two children didn't play, beautiful wife don't waste it. And the family also supports me, that he must be rehabilitated, assessed to get well again," he said.

On the other hand, Kombes Ade Ary in a press conference said that Ammar Zoni and two other people had been named suspects on suspicion of drug abuse.

"Based on the testimony of witnesses and suspects, we snare the three of them or suspect Article 112 paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 127 paragraph 1 letter a of Law No. 3 of 2009 concerning narcotics," said Ade Ary.

Regarding the submission that the suspect Ammar Zoni undergoes rehabilitation, Ade Ary said he was still conducting an in-depth investigation. However, he ensured that the handling of the case would be carried out according to existing procedures.

"Drug abuse procedures have been regulated in statutory regulations, we comply with these rules, and are committed," concluded Ade Ary.

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