JAKARTA - Since being arrested by the Narcotics Investigation Unit (Sat Resnarkoba) of the South Jakarta Metro Police on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 night, the Ammar Zoni soap opera actor was finally faced with the public through a press conference held at the South Jakarta Metro Police.

Irish Bella's husband is seen wearing a prison uniform along with two other suspects. Different from the other two suspects who kept lowering their heads, Ammar was seen standing with his head held high, he also served several media crew members' requests for pictures.

When asked to talk about his arrest, Ammar sobbed and apologized. "First of all, I want to apologize to my wife, I'm sorry. I apologize to my family. I apologize to all of the people, who have been disappointed with me," said Ammar Zoni at the South Jakarta Metro Police on Friday, March 10, 2023.

After apologizing, Ammar firmly admitted his mistake. "But, at the same time I am enough to venture myself in front of all media, admitting. I am known for my achievements, as well as I am known for the mistakes I made. And I am not afraid to admit I was wrong," he said.

Ammar Zoni admits his mistake with heavy breath. He hopes that the case that happened to him can be an example, so that no one in the community, especially his fellow artists, has fallen into drugs.

"Hopefully this is an example for all the people of all celebrity friends, and media friends who are here," said Ammar.

For the case he faced, Ammar Zoni and two other perpetrators have been named as suspects. They are threatened with Article 112 paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 127 paragraph 1 letter A of Law number 3 of 2009 concerning narcotics.

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