JAKARTA - Washing your hands and using a hand sanitizer is a must. Not a few who feel the effect, namely dry and peeling skin on the hands. Tips for overcoming it, as follows.

The choice of soap does determine skin condition. Because it is mandatory to wash your hands and use a hand sanitizer, it means that other habits can be adjusted. First, choose an antibacterial soap that can be clinically tested. In addition, also choose soap that contains moisturizer.

There are various choices of hand soap. For those that contain moisturizers, try to observe the composition. Not a few hand washing soaps also contain moisturizing substances such as glycerin or glycerol. The two compositions can reduce dry skin on the hands.

In order to reduce the risk of dry hand skin, is it better to use liquid soap or bar soap? Bar soaps are generally highly acidic. Often this is the cause of dry skin due to frequent hand washing with bar soap.

However, it doesn't matter if it is not possible to use liquid hand washing soap that contains a moisturizer. There are other ways to keep skin moisturised. For example, by using hand lotion after washing hands which of course is formulated from ingredients that moisturize the skin.

How to wash your hands also has an effect on exfoliating the skin. The most effective way to kill bacteria is to wash your hands under running water and do it appropriately. Like for 20 seconds, clean your hands gently.

Rub the palms of your hands and between your fingers gently and not aggressively. While washing your hands, you can sing. Afterward, dry your hands thoroughly with a soft cloth. Drying your hands after washing them is one way to reduce the risk of dry and flaky skin.

The natural moisture produced by the skin of the hands can evaporate due to water. This means dry immediately after washing your hands in room temperature water. Plus, it's safest to use room temperature water even though washing your hands with warm water feels good. However, if you do it too often, it will dry out your hands.

Finally, this method can moisturize the skin of the hands even though you often use a hand sanitizer. Even by washing your hands every time you enter and leave the room. The trick is to use a moisturizing cream that contains occlusive substances, humectants and omelins such as stearic acid, lactic acid, sodium pyrrolidine and cyclometikon.

For those who have skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist about what safe substances can moisturize the skin when you are obliged to wash your hands regularly and wear a hand sanitizer.

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