JAKARTA - The right time to eat is often missed. His intention to lose weight. But the fact is, eating late is not effective in losing weight.

Losing weight and maintaining a healthy body is not just eating a balanced nutritious diet. Eating hours cannot be ignored because based on research, late meals cause the opposite. The weight does not decrease but the needle points to a larger number.

Research from Brigham and Women's Hospital, Tufts University and Murcia University, Spain found that eating on time can lose weight after dieting for 20 weeks compared to those who eat late.

The study involved 420 people in Spain who were overweight. Main meal schedule at noon. The respondents ate foods that contained the same levels of calories, followed the same sleep habits and the same levels of hunger hormones.

Respondents were divided into two groups, the first group had lunch before 15.00. Meanwhile, the second group ate after that hour. After 20 weeks, the weight loss results of the two groups were compared.

In fact, the group who ate lunch before 3:00 p.m. experienced more weight loss. In contrast, the group of respondents who ate after 3:00 p.m. weight loss was slower.

The number of lunch portions differs between Spaniards and Americans. The Spanish lunch averages about 40 percent of average daily calories. This amount is equivalent to a portion of an American dinner. This means that the number of portions of the respondent's lunch is classified as sufficient calories if it is calculated that they eat three times a day without snacks.

Previous research has also found similar facts. That skipping meals, it actually makes body weight less or less slowly. Eating late makes it difficult for someone to choose more nutritious foods.

Because, a heightened hunger makes a person go crazy. Any food as long as it is filling is consumed. In addition, getting enough hours of sleep and on time to sleep also affect weight loss.

People who sleep at night or stay up late tend to be fatter. This is because at night, snacks cannot be avoided. Plus, breakfast has an important role in losing weight. Portions need to be considered, the less breakfast, the more lunch portions. It would be more effective, try to consume a balanced portion.

A diet company advises about meal times. Forza Suppements, based on a survey of 1,000 people who are on a diet. The survey shows that it is most effective to have breakfast between 07.00 and the ideal lunch from 12.30 to 13.00. Finally, have dinner before 19.00.

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