JAKARTA - In the midst of the large production of horror films, Sinemata is ready to release the film Kartu Pos Wini (KPW): Surat Beralamatnya Surga pada 6 April 2023. KPW diharapkan bisa mengarik pilihan film yang hadir dikelubuhan dan dominasi box-office film-film horor. KPW juga hadir di saat umat muslim menjalankan ibadah.

Wini's Postcard Film: Surat Beratama Suraya Surga is a story about the hope of a child named Wini Edenia who is diagnosed with blood cancer (leukemia). Wini's hope for recovery is obtained through a post card addressed to God. The hope written on the postcard is like the prayer he sends through the post box for God.

This story was written by Ruwie Meyta as a noveler of the KanyaID digital channel with the title Wini Pos Card (KPW). This story is the basis for making films with the same title.

There are moral stories that are interesting and closely related to the meaning of fasting in KPW films. At least through the trailer, the spirit of the film can be felt about the struggle of a child named Wini who wants to recover from cancer.

Through the trailer released on Wednesday, March 8, it is illustrated how the postcards for God are the hope of those who are diagnosed with cancer. The hope of those who fail to get through despair without the presence of companions who ignite their spirit of life. That's why through the film Pos Wini card, the production house of Sinemata Productions dedicated its production to companion volunteers and survivors.

Poster of the film Kartu Pos Wini also shows optimism, the letter to God that Wini gave to Ruth is a hope that must continue to be turned on. As expected from cancer diagnoseds not to give up in life. There is a spirit and optimism as illustrated from Wini's smile in the poster of the KPW film.

"To make it more clear about hope, the production house of Sinemata Productions adds in the film title with the phrase Surat Beratama Surga. At the end of the film, we are investigating a testimonial about the reality of the life of a survivor," explained Tarmizi Abka, the director of the KPW film.

Om Jim, Tarmizi's nickname, also mentioned that he got a lot of insight after discussing with doctors at the Indonesian Cancer Foundation. "We don't want to mislead in raising cancer issues and completing the production of this film," he said.

Chairman of the Indonesian Cancer Foundation, Prof. DR. dr. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo, SpPD-KHOM, FINASIM, FACP welcomed the creation of the Wini Postcard film. "Hopefully this film can increase public awareness of cancer patients by providing support and attention, about cancer, prevention by implementing a healthy lifestyle, and early detection of cancer. Because cancer can be cured if detected and treated from an early stage. We invite the public to watch this film as a support for concern for cancer in Indonesia," he said.

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