JAKARTA - The Khanzab film will air ahead of Eid, starting April 20, 2023. Departing from the short film universe Makmum, the film Khanzab directed by Anggy Umbara was also inspired by the massacre of a witchcraft shaman in Banyuwangi in 1998.

Starring Tika Brahani, Yasamin Jasem, and Arswendi Nasution, Anggy admitted that he wanted to give a tense and scary horror film. What we want to show here is scary and scary entertainment, but still photographing a number of social and personal problems that are close to being raised, Anggy Umbara.

This is shown from the poster released Thursday, March 2. By doming white and gray, the poster shows Rahayu, played by Yasamin Jasem wearing a white mukena, being terrorized by Khanzab.

"Anyone who prays must have felt a disturbance that makes prayers not solemn. Is it just a feeling or getting to that appearance that we show in the Khanzab film," he added.

Dee Company producer, Dheeraj Kalwani hopes that this film will not only cause fear while watching. But also gave the courage to beat Khanzab.

"We protect the horror Atmosphere from pre-production. The goal is that the audience does not only remember the fear when they finish watching. But they must have the courage to maintain the solemnity of praying," he hoped.

For Tika Brahani, Khanzab's film is very special because it is her first horror film. Moreover, this is the project of her comeback after 5 years of 'leave' filming a film.

"I can't wait to show Khanzab. I'm doing everything I can to give my best in this film," he explained.

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