Jakarta - Sleep is one of the most important activities to do. Good quality sleep is very important for the health of the body.

However, not everyone can feel good quality sleep. One of the causes is sleep disturbance.

Sleep disturbance is a condition that affects the body to sleep well. Usually this condition occurs due to several factors such as health problems or high stress levels.

Not only having trouble sleeping, people who experience this disorder also easily feel tired throughout the day.

They are also prone to mood disorders and difficulty concentrating. In fact, in some cases sleep disorders can also cause symptoms of physical or mental health problems.

In medicine, there are four types of sleep disorders that are commonly experienced by many people. The following are the types of sleep disorders:

Paradoxical insomnia

The first kinds of sleep disorders are paradoxical insomnia. Paradoxically insomniacs affirm themselves that they are sleep deprived, even at all. Likes to exaggerate bedtime and underestimate the amount of sleep you should have.

These things may only exist in the sufferer's mind, but this condition can become a sleep disorder when the misperception becomes chronic.

Besides feeling sleep deprived, they also often feel tired. This disorder is more common in women, people who are depressed, or those who like to carry a lot of thoughts before bed.

How to deal with drugs and cognitive behavioral therapy so that the body tries to sleep without distraction or anxiety.

Insufficient sleep syndrome

Actually this sleep disorder is caused by a lack of adequate sleep and has been going on for three months or more. Generally, sufferers don't realize that they need more sleep.

A person is at risk for this sleep disorder if they choose to do other activities at bedtime, such as doing work, playing gadgets, or staying up late.

The result is excessive drowsiness during the day and can cause more serious symptoms, such as dizziness, mood disorders, high blood pressure, and even death.

Treatment that can be done is to improve the quality of sleep by applying the same sleep and wake times every day, keeping gadgets away before bed, and avoiding alcohol consumption.


Narcolepsy is the next kinds of sleep disorders. Narcolepsy is a disorder that occurs in a person where he falls asleep at the wrong time. This sleep disorder can occur in adults, both men and women.

The cause is a lack of orexin in the body, a neurotransmitter that regulates arousal, appetite, and keeps a person awake.

This disorder can cause excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, cataplexy or sudden loss of muscle tone, and hypnagogic hallucinations where a person can see or hear things that are not there after waking up.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome or restless leg syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by movement of the legs out of control during sleep. This condition can also cause pain, burning, tingling, or like insects crawling on the legs, calves, and thighs.

Restless leg syndrome can make it difficult for a person to fall asleep, can't sleep well, or make a person wake up during sleep. Moving your legs can help relieve this sensation.

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