JAKARTA - The problem comes without being picky. He came without knowing the time and place, and also did not know the age. Starting from children to the elderly have unique problems, and cannot be compared to one another.

Hanggini Purinda Retto or better known as Hanggini has an unpleasant experience when facing a problem. As a young person, he is often underestimated by more mature people.

"For example, if you are underestimated by a more mature generation, to be honest, there are still a lot of people who do that to me. Maybe the closest people are still doing that," said Hanggini at Epicentrum, South Jakarta on Wednesday, February 22, 2023.

Similar to his personal experience, the character Anggun played by Hanggini in the film Kembang Api is also the same way. Anggun, who is still in high school and has problems because he is bullied at school, is considered not too big a problem by other adults in the film.

From Anggun's character, he hopes that adults will not underestimate the problems faced by teenagers and young people. "Yes, I want you to after watching this film, adult people get the message not to underestimate other people. Don't make it more mature, just feel the little boy being silent," he said.

For young people and adolescents who have a similar experience, where the problems faced are often underestimated by others. Hanggini hopes that they can think more positively in order to maintain their mental health.

"The hope I want for the millennial generation and the current generation to watch this film, if it's down and at its lowest point, don't give up quickly. Because we don't know in the future whether there will be big plans that we can get and want," said Hanggini.

"It means ending here is not necessarily the best way too. And I believe after the dark it will be bright, so keep the spirit of going through the days and try to find positive things in every way," he concluded.

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