JAKARTA - Celebrating multiplier flowers and chocolate is done to show love and affection on Valentine's Day or affection on February 14. Mawar de Jongh has a funny experience on Valentine's Day.

"I was in elementary school who gave chocolate to a male friend. Because my brother asked me to buy chocolate, I also asked my mother to buy it," said Mawar when met in Mampang Prapatan, Friday, February 10.

At that time, Mawar admitted that she did not understand the meaning of Valentine's Day. She just followed the trend. Even to give chocolate to her friend, Mawar admitted that she was embarrassed.

"I put the desk and I didn't give it a name, so I don't think he will know from whom," he recalled.

Given this, Mawar laughed herself. He is sure that until now his male friend did not know it was brown from Mawar.

"Until now maybe my male friend doesn't know I gave him chocolate," explained Mawar de Jongh.

The opposite experience was done by Hanggini. The Sari actor in the film Para Pengelikut Devil admitted that he was happy to get chocolate from his friend.

"I was given chocolate at an elementary school, it's like calling here and there and then giving chocolate away, it runs away. It's not like I like it. It's still a child," he explained.

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