Around Europe, Ayu Ting Ting Invites 18 People At The Same Time
Ayu Ting Ting and her entourage are preparing to go on vacation to Europe (Instagram @ayutingting92)

JAKARTA - Busy with his busy schedule as one of the top artists in the country, Ayu Ting Ting did not forget to spend time with her closest people.

Through her Instagram account, Ayu invites dozens of people to go on vacation together. "Time to vacation with my extended family. Bismillah," wrote Ayu in her upload caption, Wednesday, February 1.

Ahead of his departure via Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Ayu explained that his group consisted of 18 people, including himself and his only daughter, Bilqis. "It's very complicated, there are 18 people leaving today with my family, manager and family," he said.

On this trip, Ayu and her entourage will travel around Europe for approximately two weeks. Ayu revealed that her son asked to go to visit Disneyland in Europe.

Not only this time, every time traveling abroad, Ayu said that Bilqis always asked Disneyland to be one of the destinations that must be visited.

Having dozens of people on vacation to Europe, Ayu feels grateful for the sustenance she gets, but the presenter and singer did not provide details on the financing of her trip this time.

"Alhamdulillah, there is a fortune," he said.

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