YOGYAKARTA Many factors cause lips to dry, including lack of drinking to cold weather. But what causes lips to dry and peel the corners or edges? Dermatology explains that factors that cause approximately the same factors as those that cause dry lips.

The angle of dry and peeling lips is called Angular Cheilitis, which is characterized by itching, feeling dry, burning, moist, red, and peeling. The causes of the angle of the lips dry and peeling are, among others, because they often hate the lips. Or unconsciously ligate while sleeping. Another thing that can trigger this unpleasant condition is, among others, as follows:

Basically, the cause of dry lips is daily habits to environmental conditions. Because it is the impact of habits and the environment, to overcome it can use the following tips.

Drinking is important enough to completely prevent dry skin, including in the corners of the lips. It is important to know, the angle of the lips continues to move in many activities, such as when eating, talking, even when yawning. Because many activities involve the angle of the lips, it is important to maintain moisture from within the body. Not to mention the amount of saliva around the lips that contains certain enzymes and causes dry lips. As a result, the skin becomes less flexible and the skin's surface is sometimes cracked or peeling. Well, to maintain lip resistance, then you need to make sure enough drinking or body hydrates properly.

If you often wear thick lipstick, it is necessary to balance it by wearing lip balm. This habit aims to restore the freshness of the lips. In fact, many lip treatments contain preservatives and dry lip angles. So it is recommended to use fewer lip products and apply lip balm before wearing other makeup.

saliva may pool around the mouth. So Amanda Doyle, a New York City-based dermatologist reported by Byrdie, Monday, January 30, recommends removing the remaining saliva that accumulates in the corner of the lips. In addition, apply occlusive bail in the lip angle to prevent too dry.

In some cases, Doyle recommends recognizing the anatomy of the lips. Because anatomical problems can cause folding around the mouth. Especially for those of you who have the anatomy of the lip angle down, fillers may help, Doyle suggests. Filler can help lift the lip side and restore the volume of the lips.

Covering the lips with the intention of moisturizing, will not get the desired result. Precisely because the lips are dry, including on the corners. Maybe kissing the lips is a natural response and will temporarily feel wet. But explained Kenneth Howe, aesthetic and medical dermatology, saliva will evaporate and absorb moisture to your lips. So before the angle of the lips is dry and peels, avoid peeling.

Those are the five effective ways to deal with dry lips and peeling angles. If the above method doesn't work, it is recommended to meet a certified dermatologist.

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