JAKARTA The production house of MNC Animation and MNC Pictures is ready to release Kiko In the Deep Sea's latest animated film on February 23, 2023. The film, which was adapted from the series since 2014, tells the story of an underwater life where Kiko and his friends live.

In this film, Kiko and his friends go on an exciting rescue mission and entertain the audience, especially Indonesian children. With the current marine ecosystem life, the presence of the Kiko In the Deep Sea film can be an inspiration for Indonesian children to get to know the marine ecosystem again and keep it clean.

The story of Kiko, Tingting, Poli, Patino, Lola and Karkus and Pupus went to investigate and investigate the damage to the ecosystem that was happening in an Asri city in the sea. On the way, they met with Princess Clara from Shell Castle. Princess Clara is looking for five missing water protection pearls.

Without these pearls, water life will be destroyed. Kiko and his friends decided to help find all the pearls for the safety of the sea. In this mission, Kiko and his friends passed many obstacles and faced various pearlkeepers.

The film Kiko In the Deep Sea is not only played by the characters of the initial series in RCTI, but there are several new players from among artists who show their talents in filling the voice of animated films such as Arbani Yasiz, Felicya Angelista and Robby Purba. The soundtrack for the film Kiko In the Deep Sea was created by Liliana Tanoesoedibjo which was sung epicly by the little singer Romaria.

The press conference was held on January 26, 2023, located in Jakarta Aquarium & Safari in Neo Soho Jakarta. In this event, the cast and voice actors as well as Liliana Tanoesoedibjo as the executive producer for the film Kiko In the Deep Sea were also present. In addition to showing the official trailer and poster, Romaria was also present to sing the official soundtrack of the film live.

In accordance with the theme that tells the life of the marine ecosystem, the location of the Jakarta Aquarium & Safari was chosen because it has many interesting collections of water and non-water animals. Not only as a means of entertainment, but Jakarta Aquarium & Safari is the right location for those who want to learn more about marine life by looking at it directly.

The story raised in the film Kiko In the Deep Sea carries a very important mission and invites us to maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding nature, especially the sea. Marine cleanliness has a big impact on human life which is obliged to be preserved so that it needs to be instilled from an early age.

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