JAKARTA - The Strokes guitarist, Albert way Jr. firmly stated that the legendary indie band, the pride of the city of New York, will not be disbanded and will still be able to survive for the next two decades.

"I can confirm that we will continue together for twenty more years even though togetherness until now has never been imagined. I think we will continue and that doesn't mean we just spend time playing on big stages. There may not even be a long tour and we just make strange recordings," Albert said in an interview session with the WKCR radio quoted by Antara from NME, Wednesday.

The guitarist, who is unique with curly hairstyle, said that the future of the band that won the Grammy Awards for the best 2021 rock album category will last because they still have listeners from young circles.

"On the tour, there are children who know some songs from the album 'The New Abnormal' and may not know our previous works. It feels good when we play old songs and want them to know them," he explained.

Until now, The Strokes consisting of Julian Casablancas (vocals), Albertwield Jr. (guitar), Nick Valence (guitar), Nikolai Fraiture (bass), and Fabrizio Moretti (drums) have released six full albums and one mini album since they first jumped into the entertainment industry in 2000 ago.

The New York city garage band unit had hiatus in 2005 for two years until finally returning to work. Nearby, The Strokes is scheduled to play on the big stage with

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