Conditions For Indra Bekti Menyembaik, Keluarga Ucap Terima Kasih Kepada Para Donatur
Indra Bekti is studying to return to normal (Instagram @dhila_bekti)

JAKARTA - No less than 23 days, Indra Bekti has been in the hospital due to bleeding in his head. Now, the 45-year-old presenter's condition is much better than before.

Cipta, Indra Bekti's younger brother representing the family, expressed his gratitude for Bekti's condition which is getting better day by day. He also thanked all parties who had given donations for the cost of healing his brother.

"Our family is very grateful to the entire extended family, relatives, friends and fellow artists and also the Indonesian people who have been very supportive to help recover from Indra Bekti," said Cipta, when contacted by the media crew on Thursday, January 19.

The man who often reports on the development of Bekti's condition to the media crew also asked for prayers for his brother's recovery. "Please pray for the best so that Bang Indra can recover quickly and can return to entertain us all," he continued.

Aldilla Jelita, the wife of Indra Bekti, also informed the presenter's latest condition via social media. Dhila uploaded a video where Bekti was practicing to be able to return to normal.

Then, Cipta also revealed the condition of Bekti, who also had surgery to install Shunt's VP tube a few days ago. According to Cipta, the tube is permanent to drain Bekti's liquid. The liquid will later be channeled and dumped through the sewer on Bekti's body.

"The tube is planted and permanent, its function is to dispose of excess fluids and channel them to the body's disposal system," he said.

Cipta stated that so far Bekti has not complained about the tube in his head. "Alhamdulillah, no (Indra Bekti does not feel pain in the head)," he concluded.

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