JAKARTA - Indra Bekti's wife, Aldila Jelita, sold some of the assets she had. Everything is done for the recovery of her husband who is still undergoing treatment for the next 20 days.

Through his Instagram account, Jelita uploaded several photos of her jewelry that had been sold. He also thanked those who wanted to buy his assets.

"What you are looking at outside is more visible... But what is inside is invisible. We can love it, sold! " wrote Aldila Jelita.

"Thank you generous for buying my valueless jewelry, but it is worth my husband Indra Bekti," he continued.

Furthermore, Jelita also revealed her branded bag which was successfully sold for her husband's treatment.

"Sold, thank you, you are the best for your beloved husband, healthy spirit!!!" continued Aldila Jelita.

This is Aldila Jelita's new business after holding a fundraiser. However, Jelita's action drew a contrast considering that Indra Bekti is a famous presenter who is still actively guiding the event.

Not only that, Indra Bekti's family also admitted that they did not know anything about the fundraising held by Jelita.

Previously, Indra Bekti was rushed to the hospital due to a brain hemorrhage. He underwent surgery and his condition is still in the process of recovering.

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