AKARTA - Nikita Mirzani again underwent trial at the Serang District Court (PN) on suspicion of defamation reported by Dito Mahendra on Thursday, December 29. At the trial, the panel of judges led by Dedy Adi Saputra decided that Nikita Mirzani was free.

"So ordered that the defendant Nikita Mirzani be acquitted of all charges," said Dedy Adi Saputra during a trial at the Serang District Court on Thursday, December 29.

Not after the judge explained that the judge read out the verdict, Nikita Mirzani immediately shouted hysterically and prostrated in the courtroom. The verdict was also welcomed by people who came to watch the trial.

Nikita, who prostrated and cried hysterically, was approached by her legal team, including Fahmi Bachmid. Two female police officers also seemed to approach Nikita and help her back in the chair.

The panel of judges themselves had held deliberations before finally making a free verdict for Nikita. The panel said that the demands made by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) on the basis of the report of the reporter Dito Mahendra could not be accepted.

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