JAKARTA - Vitamin K Just like vitamins D, E, and B12, vitamin K is no less important for the body, such as for optimal blood clots and excessive bleeding prevention. Nutrient dietist from SRV Hospitals India Neha Choudhary said that vitamin K is usually not used as a food supplement but can be found in green vegetables. "However, vitamins K1 (phytonadione) and K2 (menaquinone) are generally available in the form of supplements," said Choudhary as quoted by Indian Express, Tuesday, December 28. Vitamin K has various health benefits, one of which is to thicken blood. This vitamin plays an important role in wound healing and reverses the harmful effects of blood dilution. Another function is to prevent bleeding disorders in newborns, which show hemorrhagic diseases caused by lack of vitamin K. Not only that, vitamin K is also needed to improve bone health. Together with vitamin D, this helps the calcium binding that is needed for healthy bone and gum functions. "This strengthens the skeleton structure, increases bone density, and reduces the possibility of fractures in parents," Choudhary said as quoted by ANTARA. According to research, this vitamin prevents mineralization in arterial walls and maintains blood pressure under control, allowing the heart to pump blood smoothly throughout the body, and improve heart health. Vitamin K also helps osteoporosis problems, bone loss and dental health. Furthermore, Choudhary said vitamin K could activate the production of osteokalsin, which is needed for the growth of new dentins (calsification networks below the enamel of teeth). This makes teeth strong from the roots and prevents roughness or decay. According to existing evidence, vitamin K is also needed to increase memory in the elderly. "Furthermore, it is used to treat itching, which is experienced due to bilier cirrhosis, and is also known to reduce blood cholesterol in people undergoing analysis," said Choudhary. However, if a person has low vitamin K levels it can increase the possibility of uncontrolled bleeding. "Although vitamin K deficiency is rarely seen in adults, this is very common in newborns. One injection of vitamin K for newborns can help," he said. According to Choudhary, vitamin K is also used to treat blood dilution overdose or Coumadin. This lack of vitamins means that it will be easily bruised, there will be small blood clots under the nails and bleeding from the area where the umbilical cord is when removed. "There must have been bleeding in the skin, nose, and digestive tract, and bleeding suddenly in the brain, which could have fatal consequences," said Choudhary. Vitamin K can be obtained from spinach, asparagus, broccoli, nuts such as soybeans, eggs, heating, ocra, koll,ā–generasi, peterseli, soybeans, labs, kiwi, avocado, blues,cress, cauliflower, cheese, milk, and yogurt.

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