YOGYAKARTA The desire to eat excessively, apart from being hungry according to schedule, can also be driven by stress. Not only eating, stress can also encourage a person to suddenly smoke, drink, be lazy, and even shop for unnecessary goods.

According to Robert Taibbi, LSCW., a clinical psychologist who has been experienced for 45 years, excessive appetite, for example, is an inseparable part of physiological addiction that often requires medical attention. However, reported by Psychology Today, Monday, December 19, passions that come and go are usually triggered by several forms of stress, such as anger and anxiety. For example, someone who is stressed wants to eat sweet more as entertainment for boredom or loneliness.

The solution recommended by Taibbi, there are two parts. The first is to make plans related to excessive eating impetus or other activities as admortion over stress. This plan is associated with positive activity. Like listening to your favorite music, calling close friends, or journaling. This activity helps relieve tensions and provides comfort and full attention.

In addition to making activity plans for calm, said Taibbi, you need to recognize sensory triggers. For example, when you see a compiler can trigger shopping. Or open a refrigerator that triggers excessive eating. By recognizing the trigger, you will understand more when you are vulnerable and need positive activity.

The second recommendation is to get first aid. This first aid can be done by breathing deeply. Because physiological deep breathing can help you to calm down. It is important to know that most of the desire to overeat will last for 20-30 minutes. After that it will subside.

It's also important to ask yourself how you feel. it's important to revive the rational brain. In addition to breathing deeply, there are other activities that are substitutional. Such as taking a warm bath, walking out in the open, listening to music. In essence, substitution activities are useful for keeping the brain and emotions calm.

Once you are calm, it's time to give credit to yourself. For example, tell yourself for doing a good job. More importantly, keep being proactive in solving problems.

In principle, carrying out positive activities that are substitutional, is to rearrange your brain. This helps create a new neurological circuit in the brain to replace the old one. Because managing stress that causes excessive appetite cannot occur instantly, it is necessary to practice managing excessive desire and to remain patient.

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