JAKARTA - Director Shawn Levy shared the development of Deadpool production 3. The film, which is planned to air in two years, is still going through the script process starring Ryan Reynolds.

Shawn Levy got a directorial position after Tim Miller directed his first film, followed by David Leitch on a sequel.

We are writing, developing, preparing Deadpool every day. It's great to laugh every day," Shawn Levy told Collider.

It's great to think about what happens with the scene where people talk dirty. It will be hardcore and violence is on your back. And this is very Deadpool," he explained.

Previously, Levy had directed Reynolds in the films Free Guy and The Adam Project. Different from the other two films, he enjoyed the process of making this film because there was something new.

I enjoyed even we haven't even started filming. I can say, making a Deadpool film is a creative experience in my life because it's not just a R-rated," said Shawn Levy.

"It's also filled with self-awareness, and it makes writing very fun and unique for the franchise," he said again.

Levy confirmed that filming will begin in May 2023. Kevin Feige as Marvel boss said the third film Deadpool will appear beyond the previous two films.

The Deadpool 3 film is planned to be shown on November 8, 2024 in theaters.

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