JAKARTA - Tasyresam of Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono at Pura Mangkunegaran, Solo is not only intended for special guests. With the concept of people', the event also gives happiness to the wider community.

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir, some time ago said that the marriage of Kaesang and Erina in Solo carried the theme "people's parties", where the people can also feel the happiness felt by the bride and groom's family.

"Indeed, there are activities for the community where there is a small festival of entertainment from the community but there is also a wedding. We really have to take care of everything so that everything is good," said Erick Thohir, launching YouTube News Surakarta, Sunday, December 11.

One part of the people's party in question is the distribution of thousands of portions of free food and souvenirs to the public during the download of mantu and tasyakuran. Erick Thohir said that the distribution of free food was held at several points.

In each tent, it is planned that 1,000 servings of free food will be prepared.

Later there will be a fence (limitation). Everyone must queue. The trash must also be included in the trash bag," he urged.

On a different occasion, Jokowi's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, said that the distribution of free food was a form of gratitude for the marriage of Kaesang and Erina.

"Eat it from our company and our assisted MSMEs. (The food to be distributed) is all packed," explained Gibran.

Based on observations at the location on Sunday, December 11 morning, tents have been installed which are equipped with information on the type of food to be distributed. In front of the blue tent, it is also equipped with a guardrail line in and out.

The foods to be distributed in the tents include Mie Comblang, Mandapal, Amaw's Martabak, Roti Maryam Nayfa, Grandis Barn, Sang Pisang, Yang Ayam, Let'sFast and many others.

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