YOGYAKARTA According to research, no single food can prevent or cause breast cancer. It's just that according to a certified medical oncologist, Dr. Eleonora Teplinsky, there are risks.

Lifestyle, has a huge impact on the risk of cancer. In general, exercising, choosing a healthy diet, and limiting alcohol consumption has been shown to reduce the possibility of breast cancer. Evidence in the study, clearly suggests that excess weight poses a higher risk for breast cancer. Therefore, Dr. waiver Niravath, an oncologist at the Houston Methodist Neal Cancer Center, recommends a fat-free protein diet. Efforts at fruit and vegetables dominate your plate.

Niravath reported by Huffpost, Saturday, December 10, also suggests avoiding high processed sugar foods. The plant-based and Mediterranean diet can help reduce cancer cell growth through its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiproliferative properties. In addition, the Mediterranean diet can also balance the production of estrogen and insulin that can help prevent disease development.

Eating high fiber foods, foods with unsaturated fatty acids, such as fish oil, fruits, and vegetables, can play a protective role in reducing the hormone estrogen and insulin. In addition to the type of food that can help with risk, how to cook food also affects.

The food that is burned and scorched, makes it carcinogenic, says Niravath. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, charred meat, poultry, or fish can lead to the formation of heterocyclic amina or HCA, which is a carcinogen that has the potential to cause cancer. HCA is formed when amino acids and palaces react to high cooking temperatures. That is, avoid burning your food and cook it with small flames.

It should be understood, the myth circulates that soybeans can potentially affect the spike in estrogen. According to studies, soybeans can actually reduce inflammation and improve metabolic health. This means, the risk of balanced estrogen.

American InSTute for Cancer also shows that alcoholic beverages can increase estrogen levels. This means that it can contribute to the growth and development of breast tissue so that it has the potential to cause breast cancer.

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