YOGYAKARTA At the age of 45, this woman who has lived in Los Angeles for a long time remains fit at a young age. Sarah Azhari, in 2000 married Pedro Miguel Carrascalao and has Albany Ray's son. The son has stepped on a teenager, and now Sarah Azhari returns to Indonesia.

How are Sarah Azhari's tips in keeping her body fit even without a special diet? Here are the portraits.

Sarah does not undergo a special diet, it's just that she eats more vegetables and fruits. Another activity besides that to keep the body looking young, is to exercise regularly.

For Sarah Azhari, exercise doesn't have to go to an expensive gym. She said, Simple sports, can be done anytime and don't need to be expensive.

"I usually work out, because I can't exercise hard, I walk at least 3 kilometers in the morning," said Sarah Azhari. In order to maintain body health, she only regularly consumes nutritious food.

The nutritious food includes vegetables and fruits. Regarding her husband, Sarah Azhari felt there was no need to publish her husband's portrait. According to him, the public already knows who her husband is.

Selama pandemi, karena Sarah dan Albany tinggal di Los Angeles sedangkan suami di Timor Leste, maka keluarga kecil ini menjalani hubungan jarak jauh. Karena COVID-19 dan banyak lockdown, jadi sementara waktu berkomunikasi via video call.

Albany grows up and plays social media. Not only that, Sarah said that her son received many messages containing sexy photos of his mother. Apart from being sent harsh words.

However, Albany did not take care in responding to the message. Sarah Azhari, was annoyed and did not understand the meaning of the people who sent her photo to her son.

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