Don't Be Maluku Starting Bun! With More Intimal Relates It Turns Out That Menopause Can Be Banned
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JAKARTA - Having sex with a partner who is more often can delay menopaus in women. According to a 2020 study in the journal Royal Society Open Science, women who have sex every week have a 28 percent less chance of developing surgery than women who have sex less than once a month.

Menopaus is a normal part of getting older. It specifically defines a 12-month time point after a woman has her last period. However, regarding the reasons for having sex more often can delay operating, studies do not explore this.

But according to study researcher Megan Arnot, PhD may be a woman who permenopausians do not want to have sex. If a woman does not have sex, then she will not get pregnant so there is no point in maintaining the function of ovulation.

Quoted from Health, ovulation also requires a lot of energy from the body, and it can reduce the immune function. So there may be a point in life where it's better to stop ovulating and invest energy elsewhere if your partner decides not to have a baby.

So, can having sex prevent surgery? Not necessarily. An evolutionary anthropology professor at University College London, Ruth Mace, stressed that having sex even in her 40s and 50s would not prevent surgery.

"We control a wide range of variables, including hormone levels of estrogen, smoking, and BMI, and the relationship persists, but that doesn't mean that sexual behavior delays menopausing," Mace said.

Clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive science at Yale University Medical School Mary Jane Minkin, MD said women who were late into theā–mengause implied there were more estrogens to maintain vaginal comfort.

"And unfortunately I saw that many postmenopausians were unable to have sex due to drought and vaginal pain," Minkin said.

OB-GYN expert attenuated Palmer Hospital for Women andBABes in Orlando, Florida Christine Greves, MD added, having relatively frequent sex during the period of permenopaus and Menopaus can also help reduce pain over time because it can help maintain vaginal elasticity. He concluded that having sex regularly is certainly not wrong.

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