JAKARTA - Cigarettes are at greater risk of getting sick, experiencing tuberculosis (TB) and being disturbed by the healing of their TB disease. The data shows that one in five TB patients in the world turns out to be associated with smoking habits.

Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2021 data shows that there are around 34.5 percent of Indonesians smoke or consume tobacco in various types.

About 70.2 million adults in Indonesia use tobacco products (vacancy tobacco, heated tobacco, tobacco) today, either every day or sometimes.

The details are 33.5 percent of smokers, 1 percent of tobacco users are literate and 3 percent are electronic cigarette users. Meanwhile, according to gender, 65.5 percent of men and 3.3 percent of Indonesian women smoke or use tobacco products.

FKUI Professor Prof. Tjandra Yoga Aditama said there needs to be integration between the TB program and the cigarette program and one of the concrete forms, namely that every TB patient must be asked whether he has a smoking habit.

If the patient agrees, he must be immediately put into the smoking program at the Puskesmas and Hospital.

"Currently, the Ministry of Health is in the final process of preparing the book Guidelines for Integrating Services for Smoking and Tuberculosis in Health Service Facilities, which hopefully can be completed immediately and implemented in the field," he said.

In addition to risking TB, the Director of Postgraduates at YARSI University also reminded that smoking is a major risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (PPOK).

Currently, he said, trials were carried out in several districts regarding the detection of COPD in smokers with questionnaires which were later confirmed through practitioners. The smokers were then included in the smoking stop program.

"This stage is still in the form of consultation, but in the future, certain drugs and or tools will also be used," said Prof. Tjandra, quoted from ANTARA, December 3.

He continued, smoking is also related to stunting. Data presented by the Deputy Head of BKKBN at the seventh meeting of the Mayor/Regent of Asia Pacific on health (7th Asia Pacific Summit of Mayors) December 2, 2022 in Bali shows children living with parents who do not smoke grow 1.5 kg heavier and 0.34 cm higher than children with smoker parents.

The data also shows that if children are not exposed to cigarettes, the stunting rate can drop to one percent and the habit of smoking or using tobacco during pregnancy will increase the risk of stunting in their children.

He added that people who stopped smoking, apart from those at the puskesmas, could also take part in the Quiet stop smoking program by calling the phone number 08001776565 to get rid of smoking habits. Friendship Hospital Jakarta has also opened a smoking stop clinic.

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