YOGYAKARTA The mindset tends to have a big role that makes a person often experience fatigue or burnout. Burnout, according to experts, is a structural and cultural issue. In its perspective, burnout is a complex systemic problem and requires a systemic response to overcome it. For example, if you think working for a life has a different effect if you think otherwise. So, what makes you tireless of burnout?

Productivity is one of the reasons why people feel they have to do something. Like working or active activities so they don't measure their capacity or self-constraints. Finally, fatigue and fatigue. Quoting Anna Katharina Schaffner's explanation, Ph.D., as reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, November 30, productivity is a regime that makes things worse.

A number of experts recommend regulating breath, meditation, rest, and recognizing personal boundaries more strictly so as not to burn out. That means controlling yourself is a way of responding to things that cannot be fully controlled from outside. As Scaffner recommends to change the following five mindsets.

Research shows that most of the burnout cases are rooted in a toxic work environment. Because personal time management is taken by bad work management. In other words, burnout may not be due to personal problems, but lack of resources, poor management, unreasonable deadlines, too high workload, and poor thinking processes.

To overcome this, you need to check a number of aspects above. In addition to evaluating a systemic mindset that tends to be infeasible decreased productivity due to personal problems.

Apart from structural problems, fatigue or burnout is also a cultural issue. Some of us internalize that work with a deadline provides salaries, identities, goals, meanings, and status. In fact, work that takes time only for salary, not life to work and build meaning and value deeply.

Scaffner cites the classical philosopher's statement, Socrates, that an unstudied life is not worth living. This means, you need to increase references. Including knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the core of yourself, the value and self-expectation for the future, and how to live life coherently and satisfactorily.

By understanding yourself, one will not repeat unproductive behavior blindly. Including measuring effective productivity and not triggering fatigue.

Not everything can be controlled, so identifying it is important so as not to stress you out. What can't be controlled, can be ignored because it can drain energy.

Burnout is the result of old work habits and internalizes self-destructive beliefs. If you are often exhausted because you are too productive, you can start to recognize it as a warning. When the body says 'no', then there is no need to force it. Force it off and use it as a moment of rest.

Those are five mindsets that need to be changed as a way to deal with burnout. The recommendations above, can begin to be practiced while adjusting the busy schedule to priorities, lifestyles, and healthy productivity patterns.

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