JAKARTA - The beautiful actress Yasmin Napper has just attended the gala premiere of her latest film, 2045 Is There Love' which was held in the MH Thamrin area, Central Jakarta on Friday, November 25 evening. Together with Cinta Brian and Indah Kusuma, Yasmin is the main character in the film directed by Indra Gunawan.

Yasmin Napper looks beautiful in the gala premiere. She appeared wearing a black dress combined with accessories such as earrings and necklaces.

On the other hand, the gala premiere was also attended by actor Giorgino Abraham. In casual clothes and tied hair, the man who is often called Gino sat in the stands to witness the premiere of 2045 Apa Ada Cinta.

As is well known before, Gino and Yasmin, who are co-stars in the soap opera Love Story the Series', have recently been rumored to be in a special relationship as lovers. Although the two of them never issued a firm statement regarding their relationship status, Gino and Yasmin often expressed intimacy through their social media accounts.

In this gala premiere, the two of them did not seem to show the intimacy they had done on several occasions ago. Gino seemed to be sitting in a row of different benches with Yasmin. However, after the screening was over, Yasmin and Gino took the time to take a picture together.

Through the Insta Story upload, Gino seemed to congratulate his co-star on the Love Story the Series.

"Congrats for the movie, Yasmin Napper and Cinta Brian," wrote Giorgino Abraham in Insta Story on Friday, November 25.

Not long ago, Gino's upload was uploaded again by Yasmin.

For information, the film 2045 Apa Cinta' can be seen by the people of the country in the cinema on December 1.

Starring Yasmin Napper, Cinta Brian and Indah Kusuma as the main characters, this film tells the story of the love triangle between Renata, Marshal and Maera. Set behind Jakarta in 2045, this film also displays future technological developments.

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