JAKARTA - After being screened for the first time in South Korea at the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) last October, the film Look At Me, Touch Me, Kiss Me will air in Indonesia through the Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival.

Look At Me, Touch Me, Kiss Me is a omnibus film that is done by film actors from three different countries. Malaysia for Look At Me, Indonesia for Touch Me and South Korea for Kiss Me. Look At Me directed by Ho Yuhang, Touch Me directed by Djenar Maesa Ayu and Kiss Me directed by Kim Taisik.

Broadly speaking, this film is told in a pandemic situation and other difficult human situations, love will always live and exist. Therefore humans will always search for love. By bringing three different cultural backgrounds, South Korea, Indonesia and Malaysia, this film wants to show the same desire of everyone for love.

"Of the three countries, the common thread is that everyone in the world, from any part of the country, here represented by Korea, Indonesia and Malaysia, has the same dream, which is a dream to seek love and be loved," said Vera Lasut, producer of Look At Me, Touch Me, Kiss Me in an interview with the media, Friday, November 18.

The setting of this omnimbus film also represents the human phase through the COVID-19 pandemic from various parts of the world. "The film Look at Me from Malaysia is in the early range of the pandemic. Meanwhile, in Indonesian films, Touch Me ranges in time during the pandemic, it is great. Meanwhile, the film Kiss Me from South Korea shows how humans managed to surpass the pandemic," said Vera.

The screening at the Vera Lasut Busan International Film Festival as a producer expressed its satisfaction after Look At Me, Touch Me, Kiss Me aired on BIFF. He admitted that the audience who attended seemed to be enjoying the screening of the film, even the enthusiasm of the audience was also seen when they were still attending the question and answer session.

In addition to the film receiving a warm welcome, this moment became the first time for Vera Lasut, Djenar Maesa Ayu and Ine Ferbriyanti to meet in person with other teams from South Korea and Malaysia.

Indeed, the world premiere in Busan is very enthusiastic, because it is a full ticket. So we as filmmakers are very happy there. In fact, all the film production teams were actually able to get together in Busan, throughout our making we met a lot virtually," said Vera.

The producer also considers his efforts as a filmmaker to receive awards from spectators who are present at BIFF.

"Because they appreciate how we can collaborate with three countries during a pandemic. So we are really online, but we can collaborate well and can produce something cool," he said.

The screening of the Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival JAFF is the second film festival to show the film by three different countries. Look At Me, Touch Me, Kiss Me are included in the Asian Perspective Feature category along with several other films such as Ajoomma, Blood Flower, Come Back Anytime, Neighbors, The motorcade and other films.

Vera Lasut also expressed her pride when the film she produced was invited to be shown on JAFF which will take place from November 26 to December 3.

"I'm really happy, because actually for all of us this is one of the festivals that we also really want to attend, from us, makers in these films. So we are really looking forward to going there (JAFF), and can't wait to see the festival itself," he said.

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