JAKARTA - Budi Dalton's visit, together with Sule and Mang Saswi three years ago, which called alcohol an acronym for the Rasulullah drink has gone viral lately. Sule and Mang Saswi, who were also in the video, seemed to laugh together with Budi's jokes about alcohol.

The viral video made the Chairman of the Alliance of Rasulallah Lovers (AMPERA), Syahrul Rizal, and his attorney, Muhammad Mualimin, report Budi Dalton, Sule and Mang Saswi to the Polda Metro Jaya on Wednesday, November 23.

"What we report are several names, namely Budi Setiawan Garda Pandawa or commonly known as Budi Dalton, Sutisna alias Sule and Sasongko Widjanarko alias Mang Saswi. We consider these three names to have offended the feelings of religious communities, especially Muslims," said Syahrul Rizal when met at Polda Metro Jaya on Wednesday, November 22.

The chairman of AMPERA considers what he reports to be something that has offended religious communities and has the potential to create trouble. He felt that Budi Dalton was consciously and allegedly declared alcohol as a drink of Rasuallah.

Even though Budi Dalton is a person who directly makes alcohol jokes, the response of Sule and Mang Saswi to these jokes is also considered as a unit.

"Why did Sule and Mang Saswi report it too, because there in one incident and the same place. When Budi Dalton stated that alcohol was a Rasulallah drink, they reflexively laughed. There we thought that they were involved in the words conveyed by Budi Dalton himself," said Syahrul.

The reporting party thought that Sule and Mang Saswi should have protested Budi Dalton's statement first, and instead of laughing at the joke.

"If he himself enjoysologies that tend to insult the Prophet Muhammad, why didn't he protest at that time. Why did he laugh and seemed to enjoy such jokes," said Muhammad Mualimin.

The lawyer also said that his client's report did not intend to imprison Budi Dalton, Sule and Mang Saswi. However, he hopes that there will be an examination, so that the motives of the three for joking about alcohol can be ascertained.

"Depending on Budi Dalton, Sule and Mang Saswi, what is the motive first. If the motive is intentional and wants to insult and demean Islam, of course we want to be convicted. But if the statement is just a joke that has absolutely no intention or mistake, of course with good communication, our client stated that he is ready to forgive. And the goal is also to open up to imprison. We first know what the motive is, then we will take further action," he said.

Regarding the apology and clarification that had been conveyed by Budi Dalton previously, the lawyer for the reporter considers Budi's apology submitted to religious and ulama leaders does not mean that he has apologized to all Muslims who are offended. He asked the reported parties to make more comprehensive apologies.

"I'm sorry to whom? If we read it in religious leaders, what is the relevance? This is what religion defames, why apologize to religious leaders. It should be more comprehensive, whether it is prostrate in public that is displayed in public, so that millions of Muslims know, "said Muhammad Mualimin.

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