YOGYAKARTA For those of you who keep cats at home, it is important to be proactive about the health of your favorite cat's teeth. Because, if you have toothaches, the cat is an expert in hiding pain. The following tips, you need to follow from identifying the condition of the cat's teeth to daily treatments that have minimal risk of cat tooth plaque.

The amic aroma may seem normal to those of you who often interact with cats. But when cats have bad mouth odors, it is a strong indicator that they have problems with their teeth. If they are not treated immediately, it can cause gum disease and tooth damage.

Dental checks may rarely be thought of for cat lovers. But it's important for you to allocate time to check your favorite anabul teeth to the veterinarian as well as an annual check-up. Later the doctor will do a dental cleaning to help improve the health of your cat teeth.

In addition to cleaning cat dental plaques by veterinarians, you also need to provide daily care for your teeth. It's not too difficult to clean your cat teeth. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) reported by PetMD, Tuesday, November 22, it is recommended that cats get used to the dental treatment process at home. It can start when they are still small using kase cloth with toothpaste made specifically for cats.

To clean your daily teeth at home, you can give a gift. For example, a little canned tuna is applied to the cat's gums. That way, the cat will be calmer and happier.

When the cat's gum is injured, you can stimulate healing. The trick, press with your fingers so that strengthening your gums and cats will not suffer from gum problems in the future.

Instead of letting cat dental plaque pile up, try to ask the cat doctor for dietary advice. Doctors may provide the best food for the health of the cat as well as its teeth.

For cats with tooth disease or oral health problems, doctors will provide specially designed recipes. The goal is to help cure the condition of the cat's teeth.

Some cat treatments or snacks are formulated to reduce dental products. You can choose them and be given regularly to erode dental corals and cat dental plaques that don't pile up. But because dental controllers with snacks are not always effective, you can balance them with regular brushes of the cat's teeth every day.

Naturally, cats are carnivorous and predatory, so the natural food consists of hard bones. Cooking bones can reduce dental corals and maintain the health of their teeth and gums. Because cats at home are not wild animal predators around the home environment, it gives them hard toys to test for them to maintain the health of their teeth.

Finally, plaque the cat's teeth so they don't pile up, provide fresh water near the place to eat. Drinks can help remove leftover food left in the cat's mouth after eating.

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