JAKARTA - The latest drama regarding bullying is back. Weak Hero Class 1 is a drama by director You Su Min who also worked on the script.

The drama of eight episodes was adapted from a webtoon entitled Yakhanyeongung which SeoPass wrote and illustrated by Kim Ji Seok. This drama takes the theme of bullying that is rampant in schools.

Here's a complete synopsis of the drama Weak Hero Class 1:

Weak Hero Class 1 tells of Yeon Si Eun, a role model at the school where she studies. He is nicknamed a student model because he has high grades for each subject.

However, behind his intelligence, Si Eun has a weak posture. He easily became the target of bullying by those who were jealous of his learning values. It didn't just keep Yeon Si Eun quiet.

With her smart brain, Yeon Si Eun tries to fight the violence that occurs at school. In class, Si Eun meets Ahn Su Ho (Choi Hyun Wook) and Bum Seok (Hong Kyung). The three try to face busy bullying at school.

Yeon Si Eun often gets bullying from her classmate, Jeon Young Bin (Kim Su Gyeom). Si Eun and Su Ho and Bum Seok's intention to fight Young Bin was hindered when they found out that Young Bin was under a bus.

The boss asked Yeon Si Eun to bring the requested money. The boss is Jeon Seok Dae (Shin Seung Ho) where she is also the head of Young Yi (Lee Yeon) as a member of a bully group.

Did Yeon Si Eun manage to beat the hosts? The answer is in Weak Hero Class 1.

Hong Kyung, one of the actors, admitted that this drama brought a different feel than other school stories. Yoo Soo Min as the director helped him with the characters as well as Park Ji Hoon and Choi Hyun Wook.

When shooting in the same scene, Park Ji Hoon and Choi Hyun Wook acted differently all the time and I learned a lot from them. I enjoyed filming with them," said Hong Kyung.

"He (Yoo Soo Min) doesn't just pay attention to the visible but he also helps bring the character's emotions to life," he continued.

The drama Weak Hero Class 1 can be watched since Friday, November 18.

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