YOGYAKARTA There are so many myths about pregnancy that are milling about. One of them is the characteristic of pregnant girls seen from the tomb.

Those who believe in the myth believe that the shape of the navel of pregnant women can describe the gender of the baby they are carrying.

But is that true? Can the physical condition of pregnant women describe the gender of the baby? Check out the following reviews.

Myth of the Pregnancy Character of Women Viewed from Pusar

The sex of a baby is one of many things that makes parents curious and want to guess before the fruit is born. Not a few parents believe that the baby's gender can be seen from the shape of the mother's navel.

That said, the shape of the navel of pregnant women who push into indicates that they are pregnant with a baby girl. On the other hand, if the navel looks prominent coming out, then the baby that is contained is male.

Changes in Pusar in Pregnant Mothers

Quoted by VOI from Healthline, Saturday, November 19, 2022, changes to the navels of pregnant women generally occur in the second trimester or in the 13-28th week of pregnancy.

Related to this, there are three kinds of changes in the shape of the navel in pregnant women, including:

This happens because there is a boost in the stomach due to Rahim which continues to grow, causing the tomb to appear more prominent outside. This condition is often misinterpreted, pregnant women are pregnant with baby boys.

Pusar that stands out need not worry, because this is a normal and untreated thing.

However, you still need to see a doctor when the navel stands out, just to make sure that the bulge is not a hernia.

Just so you know, understanding can lead to umbilicalis hernia or make pre-existing hernia clearer.

Meanwhile, the shape of the tomb that deposits into indicates a baby that is growing in the uterus, puts pressure on the abdomen. This causes the shape of the tomb to sink or is often said to go inside.

The shape of the tomb that throws into is often misinterpreted as a characteristic of pregnant girls.

In addition to the two changes in the shape of the tomb above, pregnant women also have the potential to have an even tomb and feel faster on the skin. This is still a normal condition, because the navel will return to its original shape when the baby was born.

Characteristics of Hami Girls Can Be Viewed from Pusar?

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the navel of pregnant women cannot describe the gender of the baby that is carried.

Just so you know, the navel is where the central rope joins the fetus. The central rope stretches from the fetus to the placenta to supply the fetus with nutrients and oxygen.

In addition, the central rope also brings waste from the fetal body, because the fetus has not been able to remove it itself.

Until now, there are still many pregnant women who believe that their navel is connected to something in their stomach. Not a few thought that their navel was connected to the uterus, placenta, or the baby's own navel.

That is information about the characteristics of pregnant girls seen from the tomb. May it be useful!

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