By - By Manado's Typical That Makes You Once Feel Like You Want Again
By - By Typical Manado (Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA - Manado City is the capital of North Sulawesi Province. Recently, Manado City is on the rise of its trend as a holiday destination, especially for eastern Indonesia. Looking at Manado, it feels incomplete without bringing home the fruit by - by Manado.

Well, for you who plan to visit Manado City, there is no need to be confused in choosing, this time there is a recommendation for a list of superior souvenirs from Manado. Come on, get Manado's signature souvenirs...

Halua Kenari

Halua walnuts are the second food of the typical halal Manado souvenirs discussed here. Its shape is like peanut sugar. The taste of this food is sweet and savory. These two flavors come from locus walnuts which are the main ingredients for its manufacture. Walnuts made are very fragrant and can make your taste appear directly.

Halua walnuts are a practical manado specialty. You can buy this snack for relaxing time or travel time. The sweet taste made is obtained from a mixture of brown sugar mixed with walnuts. The brown sugar liquid that wraps the walnuts will give rise to scars on the tongue.

Canalang Fufu

Some people are still unfamiliar with the name of this food. So, what is a fufu calang? Cacalang fufu is a typical food of Manado made from skipjack fish. The fish is given spices, smoked, then flanked with a bamboo frame. This fish's consumption is typical of the place of Minahasa, North Sulawesi.

Fufu skippers can be an alternative to Manado's persistent souvenirs even in the form of food. If you want to buy it as a hand, don't forget to heat it especially before you eat it yourself. Heat fish with hot oil for some time to eat with rice and sambel.

Manis Pala

The next Manado souvenirs that are included in the recommendation list are Pala Manis. This snack is familiar not only among the people of Indonesia, but the world. Manis Pala is made of Pala fruit which is coated with Liquid Sugar for sweeteners.


Manado's most familiar souvenir is Klappertaart. This snack is actually a sweet snack of the Dutch original, but this Manado variant is certainly attached to a touch of local tradition.

Made from Kelapa Water, sugar, milk, and flour, Klappertaart is still superior as a typical Manado souvenir for travelers visiting this city in Manado Bay.


Goyang is a typical snack of Manado that must be present in every big celebration of the people of Manado. The name of this peanut comes from the work of its manufacture which requires the beans mixed with the system to be shaken.

Goyang is basically an Atomiccang wrapped in Terangu Flour and sugar that makes sweet taste in an attractive color.

So after knowing by the typical manado, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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