JAKARTA - Nia Ramadhani has begun to open up about her experience of using drugs. Nia admitted that there was a form of disappointment and sadness over the past. When she was arrested, Nia Ramadhani recalled the trauma when she heard her parents fighting. "I was traumatized by big voices. When I was little, I heard my mother's voice until I was nervous, I couldn't even hear it. Well, when the police arrived, they were shaking in a very loud voice," explained Nia Ramadhani.

The mother of three also Nia admitted that she was ready to be scolded by Aburizal Bakrie, her in-laws. "When it comes to my in-laws, at first, I was ready to be shouted at. I was scolded again. But the response was 180 degrees different from what I expected," said Nia Ramadhani on Merry Riana's YouTube, quoted Wednesday, November 16.

He said that Aburizal Bakrie instead wanted to help himself and Ardi get out of the drug problem. Aburizal even admitted that he was not ashamed of the drug scandal between Nia and Ardi.

"Ardi's father actually showed his affection and instead asked 'what can papa do until if not like this?' That's how it is," said Nia.

"Then 'you don't have to be afraid, papa isn't ashamed. An incident like this can happen to anyone' like that," he added. Nia Ramadhani told that her father-in-law's account, Aburizal Bakrie, when she and her husband, Ardi Bakrie, were caught using drugs. At that time, Nia admitted that she was ready to be scolded by Aburizal Bakrie.

"If you go to your in-laws, at first you were ready to be shouted at. A minute later you were scolded for sure. But the response was completely different 180 degrees from what I expected," said Nia Ramadhani on Merry Riana's YouTube, which was uploaded Monday (14/11/2022).

With the full support of her father-in-law, Nia can feel calm. He admitted that he did not expect to receive warm treatment from Aburizal Bakrie even though he had made a fatal mistake.

"So I was like 'how come I wasn't scolded,' in fact they hugged me. 'Papa and Mama still love Nia and Ardi', I see. So I haven't had time to talk long but I've said it's like that, so it's calmer," concluded Nia Ramadhani.

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