JAKARTA - Selena Gomez is suspected of having a feud with her best friend, Francis Raisa. This was due to Gomez's statement in an interview with Rolling Stone. Selena Gomez is promoting her documentary, My Mind and Me, which was released on Apple TV. Through the film, for the first time Gomez is open to his personal life. During an interview with Rolling Stone, Selena Gomez revealed that she had difficulty finding good friends in the entertainment industry. He even stated that Taylor Swift was the only person who could be his best friend. “ I never fit into a group of cool girls who become celebrities. My only friend in the industry is Taylor Swift,” said Selena Gomez. The statement was also included in the film My Mind & Me, which made his best friend Francis Raisa offended. When E!News quoted Selena Gomez's statement, Francis Raisa wrote a comment on Selena Gomez's post regarding this matter. “ Interesting,” wrote Francis Raisa. Because of that, fans highlighted Gomez and Raisa's relationship. Moments later, Selena Gomez made a tweet hinting at her knowing about the controversy. “Sorry I didn't mention everyone I knew,” tweet Selena Gomez. Although he did not talk to the public, the figure of Francis Raisa is a person known to entertainment. He was the person who donated one kidney to Selena Gomez when the singer had lupus in 2017. Then the two had a fight in 2018 but made peace in 2021.

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