JAKARTA - It feels like there are no parents who don't love their children. This is evident in the love and affection for those we have received, even when we are just taking the first breath in this world. Of course, as children, you have a desire to repay the love and affection that your parents give you, right? At least, it is embedded in the child's sanubari.

But in reality, there are still many who have difficulty showing affection for their parents. Most generally, you can only say that you love your parents on words at certain moments and status on social media. In fact, to show affection for parents is not closed to words of affection or on social media status.

If you are still confused about expressing affection for your parents, try reading the following article. Who knows, after that you can easily show love for the people who have raised you.

If you don't live with your parents, the simple way to show affection is by visiting their homes often. Set a schedule and make as much time as possible to meet parents even though they live separately.

If it's not possible to make a visit, you can call instead. With advanced technology, you can even have daily chats and video calls with them. That way, your parents don't really feel like they lost you.

Another way to show your love for your parents is to help them do household chores. This tip applies if you still live with them. Helping clean the house will give parents extra time to rest.

You can also express love by cooking delicious food for your parents. If you know their favorite snacks and try making them yourself, your parents will really appreciate this surprise and feel happy.

Even when you are stressed and easily offended by problems, never raise the tone of talking to your parents. Speaking in a high tone to parents is the same as not respecting them. So, remember to be kind and gentle to your parents every time you talk to them.

If you have problems with your parents since childhood, choose to forgive them. Remember that your mother and father are getting older, and you won't have them forever. Therefore, don't waste any more time and start making happy memories with them.

Parents must have devoted their lives to working hard to meet your needs. They may not have had the time and budget to have fun when they were young. Now, if you can, invite them to take a vacation. No need overseas. You can take them to domestic attractive tourist destinations or places they have never visited before.

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