YOGYAKARTA Be patient defecating (BAB) is not a good habit. However, many people choose to hold back defecation during situations or conditions it is not possible to go to the toilet. Then is there any way to hold the defecation safely when the situation is urgent?

Halfing should not be done often. You can do it occasionally in a safe way like the following.

Sugesti will affect the desire to defecate or urinate. When you are forced to hold a defecation, the first safe step that can be done is to adjust your breathing and divert your mind and gauge yourself. Don't focus your mind on your defecation desire because it will make things worse.

The next way to hold the defecation is to pinch the buttocks as hard as possible. This method helps control the muscles in the anus area so that the feeling of wanting to defecate can be reduced. You can do it several times.

An urgent situation such as being in a long line or being on the toll road does not allow you to defecate carelessly. When you feel it, try to change your position. For example, you are sitting, try changing positions to half lying down, or you can also immediately stand up.

The squatting position will make it easier for the feces to get out of the anus by itself. You are not advised to squat while holding a defecation. Instead, try to stand or take a light walk to divert attention while hardening the buttocks muscles.

As is known, tightening the stomach muscle is a boosting mechanism that helps remove the feces from the rectum and anus. If you do this, it is likely that the exit process will be even more unbearable.

Some people will panic while he is holding a defecation in an emergency situation. Panic usually unconsciously makes the person drink. This is indeed a body mechanism, but when you hold back a defecation it would be nice to hold back drinking first.

When the situation is completely unbearable for defecating, try going to the bathroom to urinate. The relief after urination will help relieve the desire to defecate. But be careful because when you urinate, the feeling of wanting to defecate can increase, so you have to control yourself.

BABs can be triggered by food. Therefore, you are advised to pay attention to what food enters the stomach when the situation is urgent. Some foods that trigger defecation such as spicy food, papaya fruit, milk, and so on.

Bagting is usually done by many people. However, there is a health risk that lurks when holding it too often. Therefore you should not hold the defecation as often as possible. Here are some health problems that will lurk as a result of holding the defecation too often.

That's information regarding how to hold a defecation. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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