JAKARTA - Xprayoga, got his first chance to act in a film series in MAXstream's latest original series, Get Ur Dream. The actor who is also a musician admits that he has received a unique role, so he has to undergo a special method to explore the characters he plays.

Xprayoga plays Ade, a law student. Ade is known as a campus activist with high idealism towards all kinds of things that he thinks are unfair. For him, demonstrations are activities that must be carried out.

The character Ade, played by Xprayoga, has a unique vocabulary when speaking. Several words such as me, noon and bung are one of the words that are commonly spoken.

Ade has the use of unique words like bung, noon, me. Well, things that are rich are something that must be accustomed to everyday life, as if saying me, noon and bung are indeed my everyday language, Xprayoga said during a press conference in Jakarta on Friday, November 4, 2022.

Furthermore, Xprayoga said that before the shooting process took place, he had used to using the words that Ade used. "From the first day we read, we used to say hello man," he said.

As for what Xprayoga did, it was because he didn't want to look stiff during the shooting process. "It's a bit difficult if you look stiff, isn't it good," he said.

In the first series, Xprayoga will compete acting with Anggika Bolsterli, Devina Aureel, Intan Melodi, Gusti Rayhan and Tubagus Ali. The six actors played students who lived together in one boarding house.

Get Ur Dream will premiere on November 7, 2022. MAXstream will release a season full of 6 episodes live.

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