JAKARTA - There is always something mysterious, but it is captivating about France. No exception in the southern countryside of France, namely Provence. Get experience like the main character of the film and fairy tale book at Provence!

Defending lavender Fields, olive gardens, beautiful twists and turns, to wine fields, how can you not fall in love with Provence's charisma? Thanks to the sight, this rural area located in the southern part of France has even succeeded in captivating various legendary artists such as Van Gogh, Cezanne, to Chagall. So, of course, there is nothing wrong if you enter a vacation destination in the Provence region because there are many things that can be explored there.

Valensole is the capital of the lavender field area in Provence. A charming small village as well as the right location to stay during your trip. If you visit is in July and August, then you will have a fantastic opportunity to see the valley around it covered in bright purple flowers.

Lavenders do not flower throughout the year, but Valensole is still one of the mandatory destinations to visit at Provence. You can just take a walk while holding the baguette in hand and chatting with friendly locals. Because Valensole is the perfect place to absorb the original culture of Provensal.

When you set foot on the Oppede, you will feel like you are in the storybook. Accompanied by small huts, painted windows, small streets, of course it will be easy to imagine that you are the main character in the story book. The village is located at the top of a hill with stone houses that have been standing since the 15th century, beautiful gardens, and stunning views of lavender fields.

Believe it or not, this village used to be empty. After centuries of war, people don't want to live in a high place and away from their farmland. However, during World War 2, the village was again inhabited by artists who were captivated by its charm. You can climb to the church and castle at the village's highest point because there you will be treated to spectacular views.

If Oppede is a village that is in the storybook, then Gordes is the perfect location as the background for the film. This is evident because Gordes often appears as a background in famous films, such as in the film A Good Year. Rock houses line up on the edge of the slopes facing the sun with golden light while looking down into the beautiful green valley below.

No wonder this romantic scene is a popular place for artists to live in search of inspiration through beautiful buildings and nature. You can spend time in Gordes by visiting art galleries, exploring ancient underground caves, and climbing to see the night views of the city and the star-filled sky.

If you are looking for a refreshing view, then Fontaine-de-Vaucluse is the right choice. Fontaine-de-Vaucluse is a medieval village that is famous for its spring flowing from very high cliffs. The spring is on the back of the hill, inside the cave, and is the largest spring in France. Not only that, but above the spring there are also ruins of ancient castles.

The spring which then enters the river finally turns color into beautiful zamrud green. You can walk along a river that flows quietly through the village to release the fatigue. Then, please stop under the bridge for lunch at one of the beautiful riverside cafes.

Especially for those of you who like unique things, then you must visit Roussillon. No doubt, Roussillon is one of the most unusual and beautiful villages in Provence. This village is located next to the deep canyon, which is a place that locals used to mine ocher.

Oker is usually used as the front of houses in the village. Therefore, each house has colorful ocher colors, ranging from terakota oranges to dark red. It would be great fun to walk between these houses and watch them change color as the sun moves across the sky.

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