YOGYAKARTA sining is basically a normal activity for the body to remove blockage particles of the channel on the nose. Combining involves muscles around the chest, sound band muscles, throat muscles, and stomach muscles. All of these muscles need to work synchronously to produce sneezing. Uniquely, in some people, they will sneezing when exposed to the sun and normal if the average sneezing a day is four times.

Changes in exposure to light intensity can trigger sneezing. When initially you are in a dark place and then exposed to the sun, there is a possibility that you will sneezing. This is also often experienced when sunlight begins to rise in the eastern horizon replacing the dark. Have you ever experienced it, sneezing in the morning?

This condition is called the photic snakezer or the term for people who sneeze when exposed to the sun or bright light. One in three people, experience it. This condition is lowered based on family history or genetically. So, if you sneeze at 5 in the morning, maybe including the photic sneezer.

Most people only sneezing twice or three times when exposed to the sun. It is important to identify further about your health condition when sneezing continuously for more than 40.

Well, because sneezing carries droplets or water splashes that carry viruses or bacteria, it is necessary to cover them when you are sneezing. In general, sneezing is done by covering the nose and mouth with the inside of the elbow. But be careful, don't keep sneezing because it can damage blood vessels in your eyes and nose.

On average, someone swipes four times a day. This number was taken after the study was conducted by monitoring 80 medical students and hospital employees for two weeks, reported by MedicineNet, Wednesday, November 2. In the study, sneezing more than four times showed the presence of rhinitis or inflammation.

The expert also monitors the speed of sneezing. Because it is very strong, which is 100 miles per hour, follow the ethics of sneezing so as not to transmit the flu or other diseases that transmit it through droplets.

Another fact you need to know, sneezing is not experienced when you fall asleep. When you fall asleep, the nerves that stimulate the center to sneezing are resting. So it's important to monitor the cleanliness of the air while asleep. The reason is, if there is something that irritates the nose, it cannot be cleared by sneezing.

Berinsing can also be triggered by allergic reactions or immune systems that react to certain particles. Such asAKARTA, dust, household allergens, or other environmental triggers. Sneering under normal conditions, is a semi-autonomous reflex similar to flickering and breathing. That is, holding back sneezing requires level of consciousness control. But as revealed above, holding back sneezing can be harmful to blood vessels around the nose and eyes.

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