JAKARTA - Actress Tara Basro is enjoying her marriage to actor Daniel Adnan. The two of them were seen walking on the red carpet at the Indonesian Film Festival on Saturday, December 5.

Tara Basro looks fuller with the dress she wore at the event. Warganet suspects that the Tanah Jahanam player is pregnant with his first child with Daniel Adnan.

However, Tara Basro gave that answer when he was a guest star on Vidi Aldiano's latest YouTube content, Vidi-O-Game which was uploaded on Sunday, December 6.

"There is no plan. That means if you give it, Alhamdulillah, if not, it's okay, "said Tara Basro in response to a question about having children.

Currently, Tara admits that she is enjoying time together with Daniel Adnan, but that does not mean that they do not plan to have children. The pregnancy program was also not undertaken by Tara because they sincerely accepted any situation.

Tara Basro and Daniel Adnan got married in June 2020 at Wot Batu, Bandung. With the concept of a garden party, the two of them were married in a closed manner.

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