JAKARTA - Excessive sleep duration turns out to be just as bad as a person's lack of sleep for cognitive functions, according to a study. Researchers from the Western University's Brain and Mind Institute in Canada found that most sleep had a bad impact on a number of cognitive functions such as the ability to identify complex things and solve problems. While people get enough sleep, which is about 7-8 hours in relation to better cognitive functions.

"We found that people were feeling the same bad effects as those who lacked sleep. The optimum amount of sleep duration to maintain brain performance was 7-8 hours every night," said Conor Wild, head of the study.

To arrive at this result, the researchers collected data from 40 thousand participants since June 2017. Preliminary findings of researchers analyzing 10,000 people have been published in the journal SLEEP. In order to get a more detailed understanding, they dig deeper into the data of participants.

"We used a fairly wide questionnaire, and they told us things like drugs that participants use, how old they are, where they are in the world, and the type of education they receive because these are all possible factors that have contributed to some of the results," said Adrian Owen, one of the researchers.

He said this method gives scientists the opportunity to test various theories and gain an understanding of how the quantity of sleep can affect people.

The participants also underwent 12 proven cognitive tests so that the number of sleeps can be associated with mental abilities. This is as reported by Medical News Today.

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