YOGYAKARTA A positive friendship environment can lead to a healthy mentality of everyone in the circle. If you have friends who experience a decline in mental health, or experience depression and anxiety.

With friends, it turns out to be better than alone. Sometimes involving friends in the social circle is also more fun. Launching the Child Mind Institute, Wednesday, October 19, when your friends experience mental health challenges, they will feel better if there is a support system nearby. Even though they are more comfortable to be accompanied and listened to, it's okay to ask a lot of questions.

If your friend has depression and anxiety for weeks, it's a good idea to recommend consulting an expert. Or suggest telling their parents. When under different conditions, such as having eating disorders or other serious problems, then they need more help than just being accompanied. If they start talking about injuring themselves, you should immediately notify others. Don't let them feel alone.

Lindsay Macchia, Ph.D., a psychologist says that the role of friends means a lot. A person with a fragile mental condition, is more comfortable with his close friends than to parents they think might be angry or afraid. Here's how to give positive support to someone struggling in certain mental conditions.

People want to feel heard, especially when they struggle with emotions or difficult experiences that may make them feel very lonely. You don't have to pretend to feel the same as your friends. Just listening without judging will mean a lot.

The advice of Macchia doctors, validation of their feelings and emotions without overreacting or without reaction. That way, they will feel accepted.

Think about what you can help, it will show that you care. It also reduces assumptions that might surprise you. If he doesn't have an answer, asking the question encourages him to start thinking proactively.

For example, if your friend is depressed, don't expect him to leave every time you invite him. But keep asking questions, and let him know that what he's going through is still valued.

It is often very difficult for people to be open about mental health challenges. If a friend confides in you, respect his belief and don't share the story with others. Know that it's okay to ask adults for help if he needs it.

Listening is very important, but sometimes you need to talk about other things. It doesn't have to be about your friend's mental health, try talking about something you're both interested in. Take a walk, rest, or do other positive activities so he feels better.

"Being involved in positive and fun activities can improve his mood as well," said doctor Macchia.

Anxiety, depression, or other emotions causes a person to withdraw. So inviting friends with these conditions to participate in activities can provide fun energy. This is also a great way to support it.

Keep in mind, you are not fully responsible for other people's mental health. There are experts who have the capacity to provide therapy. But with an empathetic attitude, you can be a positive support system.

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