YOGYAKARTA Love can fade after the couple is both too comfortable and ignores certain aspects of the relationship. It's not like falling in love that can occur at first sight. Love fades not just like that, but after a partner lives a life together.

Even in couples who look intimate and warm, love can fade. As a psychologist who has worked with individuals, partners, and family for 3 years, Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D., has seen how couples give up because love fades because of the following 3 things.

Accepting each other is good, but there is a bad side too. Because couples who have a tendency to accept each other, do not develop important things in a romantic relationship. Attention, gratitude, even caring about the behavior of their partners are important to build each other's meaning. This is also done to express respect, attention, and feelings of love.

What if you don't pay attention to each other? Unproactive couples about each other's conditions can develop neglect. Relations are becoming more sensitive due to the treatment of 'cold'. Bernstein advises couples to schedule dates together. The goal is to show appreciation and re-developing love.

As a long-term partner, trust is the basis for the struggle to navigate the oceans of commitment together. Trust is vulnerable to the rejection, assessment, and criticism of partners. If these negative thoughts are not managed, it can make you very uncomfortable and erode your trust.

Because everyone must make mistakes, then improvements need to be taken. As a couple, it is also necessary to encourage improvement.

Research shows that couples with the same attitudes, values, and backgrounds tend to have long-lasting satisfaction, friendship, intimacy, and love. But when they both get to know better, and find other priorities and values of life, the direction of the two committed people can be out of line.

For this third evaluation, couples need to be more flexible in finding ways to stay connected to each other. This makes the relationship stronger, not fades love.

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