JAKARTA - Kogyeol is the newest UP10TION member who was confirmed positive for COVID-19 after Bitto today, Tuesday, December 1.

TOP Media as the agency UP10TION gave a statement that the results of Kogyeol's test were only announced after undergoing the test on Monday, December 1. While the other members, Kuhn, Gyujin, Hwanhee, Sunyoul and Xiao tested negative.

Even so, all UP10TION members and their managers will carry out self-quarantine for two weeks as they interact with Kogyeol and Bitto.

UP10TION staff such as stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers and TOP Media employees are also negative for COVID-19.

"Given that Kogyeol UP10TION is positive for COVID-19, Kogyeol will follow the health department's instructions. The agency will check the employees who interact and we will carry out health protocols according to government directions."

A number of groups and singers who attended the same music program as UP10TION such as CNBLUE, AKMU, TREASURE, WOODZ, NCT, AESPA, and others stated negative COVID-19.

Even if they test negative, the agencies will make sure their artists follow health protocols. However, some others chose to self-quarantine such as Naeun APRIL.

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